Welcome to our Expense Tracker Roadmap!

Here, we outline the exciting features and improvements we have planned for our expenses tracker web application. Our goal is to provide you with a seamless and efficient tool to track your expenses and take control of your financial journey.

Work In Progress

Manage Your Budget

Ability to set realistic and achievable financial goals.
Easily distinguish between essentials and luxuries with just a glance, enabling you to make informed decisions about your spending habits.

February 2024

Financial Commitment

Dedicating financial resources, such as money, investments, or assets, to fulfill certain obligations or achieve specific financial goals.
Including loan repayments, credit card payments, investments, savings goals, monthly expensese, charitable doantions etc.

November 2023

Monthly Report

Summary of an individual's financial transactions over a specific month.
It provides an overview of all the expenses incurred during that time, categorized and presented in a clear and organized manner.

November 2022

Website Launch: Unleashing Financial Freedom

Thrilled to announce the launch of the website, a tool that will empower individuals to take control of their finances.
It is designed to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience, making it easier than ever to track expenses and gain valuable insights into your financial health.

September 2022

Challenging Experience to Track Expenses

Having a hard time doing proper expenses tracking.
It leads to financial stress.
So decided to start buidling own expenses tracking application.

Thank you for choosing our expenses tracker.
We look forward to helping you achieve your financial goals and make smart financial decisions!

SpendLike SpendLike

Designed to help individuals and businesses monitor their financial activities by tracking their expenses.

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